This particular quote made me think about how our society created our culture so we are forced spend 13 or more years of our life learning information that may or may not be important to our future. We have to make money to support ourselves, and if we have a family we have to get a job that will pay well enough to support them as well. this all leads back to keeping the food under lock and key.
Things use to be much simpler. All people had one job that they needed to do. We were able to preform this job and create items to do this job by the time we were 13 or 14. If our culture was still living the life of the hunter/gatherers (or as it is called in My Ishmael the "leaver" lifestyle) we would have only consumed the information we had wanted to learn instead of having these ideas forcefully drilled into our memories. Our culture today is an obvious failure for this reason and many more.
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