What I remember the best from her performance if her music. I remember the way the Marimba caused my chest to vibrate as she played and when she played the up-beat tune how joyful I was. I could feel the music when she played in my heart, as if my body was keeping time to her tune.
I also remember how incredible she was at preforming, even though she was def. Her story was amazing and it shows that no matter what may stop you from achieving your goals there is always a way to overcome it.
Describe what it felt like listening to her play. What factors helped create this moment? You can describe any of the times that she played on either instrument (the Snare drum or Marimba). When she played the snare I was rather unimpressed. The drums are a very important and unique instrument, but I have never had much of an interest in drums myself.
What elements of her performance influenced what the audience heard?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
If you care about women...
(the links failed to work so please read this version instead)
WARNING: Some of the content shown here may be slightly shocking to some viewers; please handle what you are about to read/view as maturely as possible. (Nothing that is shown on this page is above a rating of PG13)
If you didn't already know I am a -huge- supporter of women rights. Obviously we don't have it as women did 100 years ago, or even 50, but we still are trying to achieve "equality" with men.
True, we have all the legal rights men do, but women still get raped ten times more than men do, we are harassed because of our bodies, we are expected to be the size of super models (so we either have to starve ourselves, crash diet for the rest of our lives, or throwing up every ounce we eat).
We are also expected to be perfectly shaped, our breasts must fill a "D" cup or more, our cheek bones must be high and well shaped, our hips must be well rounded as well as our bottoms, and we must have an hourglass figure and fit into a size 4 jeans and small shirt. Not to mention we must have flawless skin, almond eyes, and our lips must be plump, but not to the point where we are constantly puckering.
Well guess what, society; these women are fake. That’s right. The women you see on the front of magazines have pounds of make up on, have been starving themselves for months or crash dieting, and have had plastic surgery or some kind of cosmetic surgery to enhance their body or face, and even after all this they are still being modified with computer to make them, look flawless. You want proof? Here's a perfect example of what women have to do to get their face on a billboard.
This is what we are biasing ourselves on.
It’s said that 8 women will have the body of super models, 3 billion women will not. Personally, your body is beautiful no matter what shape or size you are.
Don’t modify your perfect body!
Small breasts are just as beautiful as large ones, low cheek bones are just as sexy as high ones, triangular hips are just as striking as rounded ones, and most importantly this body by far more appealing than this body.
Now tell me, why must you conform to what society wants you to be? Why would you want to give up so much to look like what others want you to? You should look how you want to, you should be the woman you want to be, and you should never look in the mirror and be able to say “I wish I was different” because I wish you would stay the same.
Women are beautiful, in every shape size and color; no matter what.
The reason I’m telling you this is because I want to start a zine about women, their rights, their struggles, and the pressure the media puts on them. Please if you are interested send me a note or e-mail. If I get enough people participating in making the zine I will be uploading each issue that we “publish” to deviantart. If you care about women’s rights please help, you don’t have to be a woman to participate!
The women of the world need your help, and I need your ideas to help them.
Contact me at: Sketch999@gmail.com or click here for my deviant art.
Thank you.
Here are some links that may give you a better understanding of feminism:
Here is a link to a feminist group that has their own zine:
(the links failed to work so please read this version instead)
WARNING: Some of the content shown here may be slightly shocking to some viewers; please handle what you are about to read/view as maturely as possible. (Nothing that is shown on this page is above a rating of PG13)
If you didn't already know I am a -huge- supporter of women rights. Obviously we don't have it as women did 100 years ago, or even 50, but we still are trying to achieve "equality" with men.
True, we have all the legal rights men do, but women still get raped ten times more than men do, we are harassed because of our bodies, we are expected to be the size of super models (so we either have to starve ourselves, crash diet for the rest of our lives, or throwing up every ounce we eat).
We are also expected to be perfectly shaped, our breasts must fill a "D" cup or more, our cheek bones must be high and well shaped, our hips must be well rounded as well as our bottoms, and we must have an hourglass figure and fit into a size 4 jeans and small shirt. Not to mention we must have flawless skin, almond eyes, and our lips must be plump, but not to the point where we are constantly puckering.
Well guess what, society; these women are fake. That’s right. The women you see on the front of magazines have pounds of make up on, have been starving themselves for months or crash dieting, and have had plastic surgery or some kind of cosmetic surgery to enhance their body or face, and even after all this they are still being modified with computer to make them, look flawless. You want proof? Here's a perfect example of what women have to do to get their face on a billboard.
This is what we are biasing ourselves on.
It’s said that 8 women will have the body of super models, 3 billion women will not. Personally, your body is beautiful no matter what shape or size you are.
Don’t modify your perfect body!
Small breasts are just as beautiful as large ones, low cheek bones are just as sexy as high ones, triangular hips are just as striking as rounded ones, and most importantly this body by far more appealing than this body.
Now tell me, why must you conform to what society wants you to be? Why would you want to give up so much to look like what others want you to? You should look how you want to, you should be the woman you want to be, and you should never look in the mirror and be able to say “I wish I was different” because I wish you would stay the same.
Women are beautiful, in every shape size and color; no matter what.
The reason I’m telling you this is because I want to start a zine about women, their rights, their struggles, and the pressure the media puts on them. Please if you are interested send me a note or e-mail. If I get enough people participating in making the zine I will be uploading each issue that we “publish” to deviantart. If you care about women’s rights please help, you don’t have to be a woman to participate!
The women of the world need your help, and I need your ideas to help them.
Contact me at: Sketch999@gmail.com or click here for my deviant art.
Thank you.
Here are some links that may give you a better understanding of feminism:
Here is a link to a feminist group that has their own zine:
grrl zine a go go,
womens rights,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
And why are we still in school? (School daze, school daze II)
"Because they have no survival value on their own, they must get jobs. This isn't something that's optional for them, unless they're independently wealthy."

This particular quote made me think about how our society created our culture so we are forced spend 13 or more years of our life learning information that may or may not be important to our future. We have to make money to support ourselves, and if we have a family we have to get a job that will pay well enough to support them as well. this all leads back to keeping the food under lock and key.
Things use to be much simpler. All people had one job that they needed to do. We were able to preform this job and create items to do this job by the time we were 13 or 14. If our culture was still living the life of the hunter/gatherers (or as it is called in My Ishmael the "leaver" lifestyle) we would have only consumed the information we had wanted to learn instead of having these ideas forcefully drilled into our memories. Our culture today is an obvious failure for this reason and many more.

This particular quote made me think about how our society created our culture so we are forced spend 13 or more years of our life learning information that may or may not be important to our future. We have to make money to support ourselves, and if we have a family we have to get a job that will pay well enough to support them as well. this all leads back to keeping the food under lock and key.
Things use to be much simpler. All people had one job that they needed to do. We were able to preform this job and create items to do this job by the time we were 13 or 14. If our culture was still living the life of the hunter/gatherers (or as it is called in My Ishmael the "leaver" lifestyle) we would have only consumed the information we had wanted to learn instead of having these ideas forcefully drilled into our memories. Our culture today is an obvious failure for this reason and many more.
my ishmael,
school is terrible,
school sucks
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Three Cigaretts
Ohio is a small place, some parts had cities, but most of the houses were miles away from each other. This was a convenient way to make money by driving a taxi for hours and hours, though it was nothing more than a job to get through school. I am a solitary being, the only interaction I have with others is when I’m out working. I take people where they need to be, and that’s it. Humans are disgusting vile creatures that can do nothing but take and destroy for there own greedy needs. I hope every one of us gets what we deserve, including me.
I came across the most peculiar man driving my taxi one day. He was rather voluptuous. His short brown hair was falling off his scalp. His grey eyes were miserable and lost, he seemed like he was trying to cover up some sort of evil he held deep within his tortured soul. His nose was like a beak rather than a nose, it petruted from his rather flat face a good two inches. His sausage like fingers clasped an ash brief case about a foot long an 8 inches high. His suit had sweat stains lining the collar and dripping down to his chubby chest.
“Where to?” I asked after we sat in silence for a few moments.
“Adelphi” He replied, his voice was raspy. He smoked; there was no doubt in my mind his lungs were laced with tar-like tobacco, digging him into an early grave.
I flipped the rear view mirror to I could look at his disgusting complexion, as I did his grey eyes gazed in the mirror, striking my heart with a sudden realization. It was you. My mind raced thinking of all the things this man had done. HE was the one that raped me. He killed my mother and put a bullet in my sister’s head, keeping her in a vegetated state for the rest of her pathetic life. I had waited for this day to come, though I did not know what to do. His eyes were the key to his vile, pitch black heart. Killing mothers and raping girls no older than twelve was where he found pleasure, nothing else would create such a twinkle in his eyes than killing and raping. The most malicious part of this act was the fact that he had forced me to watch my mother and sister take a single bullet each before he forced himself upon me, violently assaulting me. It was more painful than eating nails for breakfast and tacks for snacks.
“Alright.” I remained calm, acting as oblivious as I could without appearing mundanely quiet. We spoke of the weather and other pitiful things strangers talk about; politics, pets, vacations, even how he experienced car trouble last week.
Car trouble! I stopped the car abruptly, the sudden discontinue oh the motion caused thrust his head forward.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” he snapped. “It figures that I got the worst cab driver possible. Fuck you! I’m leaving.” Leaving meant walking three miles with lungs that can’t breathe to Adelphi.
“Just one second sir.” I let myself out of the yellow car, scampering to the back. There was nothing around for miles accept a tool shed that I knew of. I grabbed a crowbar and waited for him to exit the taxi. A soon as his over sized head was within my swinging range I attacked his with all the force I had in my body.
I watched him wake up. Chains held his body three feet off the ground, while nails pierced his hands, arms, legs and the sides of his stomach fat, holding his body to the wall. Blood had just begun to dry when he woke up. I didn’t gag him. I thought about how nice it would be to hear him scream in agony. His eyes peeled open to the sight of me holding a pair of branch trimmers and a bucket that was sealed shut with five holes in the top.
I didn’t say anything before I had started my work. I placed the bucket on the ground and began prying the nails from his plump belly. He screamed, becoming more alert after the first nail was pulled.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME!” He shrieked before I could pull a second nail out.
“My dear,” I began as a grim smile crossed over my face, “I’m torturing you, is that not obvious enough?” he begged and pleaded for me to release him, but the second I touched another nail he shrieked, though no one heard him but me, there wasn’t anyone else around for miles.
I gave up on prying the nails from his skin and grabbed the branch trimmers with my right hand.
“Do you remember me?” I asked not expecting what he would say next.
“Yes” He replied. "I saw it in your eyes, but never did i think i would have ended up like this if i had encountered you once more."
I could not speak. I was in shock due to the fact he remembered me just as well as I remembered him. This did not stop me from continuing what needed to be done.
I took the sheers and expanded the silver end. I placed the cutting end around his chubby right index finger and applied as much force as I possibly could to the back end of the sheers. He let out the largest bellowing scream I have ever heard. His finger hit the ground causing blood to flutter from the amputated end and hit the floor in little bead like droplets. Blood ran down his hand and to his arm, flowing to his elbow eventually hitting the ground, creating a small pond of blood on the wooden floor.
He shrieked.
“Please stop yelling” I assumed he was in a large amount of pain, but nothing like what he had put me through.
He didn’t stop.
“Please,” I swung the gardening tool at his groin. Sure enough he was quiet and red in the face. “stop.”
I proceeded in severing his fingers of one by one. If he decided to let out a yelp or beg for me to stop his genitalia would suffer as much as his hands did. After I clipped his index finger off I was lost. What next? Do I just kill him? I came up with a better solution. I looked at the puddle of blood on the ground and then at the tears on his cheeks.
I severed his bottom lip next.
Another scream. Followed by a moan.
A large flesh colored object hit the floorboards and a fountain of blood came pouring from his face. I picked up the item that had recently fallen on the ground.
“Oh.” I felt like I was going insane. It was… wonderful. “I got your nose.” I demanded he open his mouth and when he refused I took his bottom lip in my hand, which too fell to the floor covered in blood. I looked at my bloody hands and promptly heave his nose into his gaping mouth. I slapped my hand over his mouth.
“Swallow, please.” it was insanity that was taking over my soul. To be honest I loved the feeling of it, more than I loved my family or anything else for that matter.
I moved my hand after he choked on his oversized nose.
“Blleashe’ the man tried to form words with only one lip “jush let meh gho.”
“Could you repeat that?” I snickered. “Or should I take a wild guess at what you’re saying?”
He only struggled to pull the nails from his appendages. There was no answer.
“Christ, don’t act so helpless.” I put down the branch trimmers and selected the bucket as his punishment for acting so damn powerless. “Okay. I’ll relive you from you pain. You’re starting to bore me. There are five rats inside this bucket.” I took off the lid and showed him the beautiful creatures, eyes red and mouths foaming. “If there is and obstacle in their path they are sure to eat there way through it. So that means one of three things will happen to you. Either you get lucky and bleed to death, or the rats eat their way through the bucket and you starve to death, or they’ll eat their way through you.
I placed the bucket against his stomach and began to wrap the tape around his skin and the container. I did this at least five; the rats got into a wild frenzy, clawing at the bucket and his oversized belly.
He hung there, not saying a word, just hanging from the chains with nails in his fat and flesh.
“Good bye” I said as I looked him up and down one last time before leaving. “I hope you think you got what you deserved.”
His body was found three months later.
The killer was never found.
I came across the most peculiar man driving my taxi one day. He was rather voluptuous. His short brown hair was falling off his scalp. His grey eyes were miserable and lost, he seemed like he was trying to cover up some sort of evil he held deep within his tortured soul. His nose was like a beak rather than a nose, it petruted from his rather flat face a good two inches. His sausage like fingers clasped an ash brief case about a foot long an 8 inches high. His suit had sweat stains lining the collar and dripping down to his chubby chest.
“Where to?” I asked after we sat in silence for a few moments.
“Adelphi” He replied, his voice was raspy. He smoked; there was no doubt in my mind his lungs were laced with tar-like tobacco, digging him into an early grave.
I flipped the rear view mirror to I could look at his disgusting complexion, as I did his grey eyes gazed in the mirror, striking my heart with a sudden realization. It was you. My mind raced thinking of all the things this man had done. HE was the one that raped me. He killed my mother and put a bullet in my sister’s head, keeping her in a vegetated state for the rest of her pathetic life. I had waited for this day to come, though I did not know what to do. His eyes were the key to his vile, pitch black heart. Killing mothers and raping girls no older than twelve was where he found pleasure, nothing else would create such a twinkle in his eyes than killing and raping. The most malicious part of this act was the fact that he had forced me to watch my mother and sister take a single bullet each before he forced himself upon me, violently assaulting me. It was more painful than eating nails for breakfast and tacks for snacks.
“Alright.” I remained calm, acting as oblivious as I could without appearing mundanely quiet. We spoke of the weather and other pitiful things strangers talk about; politics, pets, vacations, even how he experienced car trouble last week.
Car trouble! I stopped the car abruptly, the sudden discontinue oh the motion caused thrust his head forward.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” he snapped. “It figures that I got the worst cab driver possible. Fuck you! I’m leaving.” Leaving meant walking three miles with lungs that can’t breathe to Adelphi.
“Just one second sir.” I let myself out of the yellow car, scampering to the back. There was nothing around for miles accept a tool shed that I knew of. I grabbed a crowbar and waited for him to exit the taxi. A soon as his over sized head was within my swinging range I attacked his with all the force I had in my body.
I watched him wake up. Chains held his body three feet off the ground, while nails pierced his hands, arms, legs and the sides of his stomach fat, holding his body to the wall. Blood had just begun to dry when he woke up. I didn’t gag him. I thought about how nice it would be to hear him scream in agony. His eyes peeled open to the sight of me holding a pair of branch trimmers and a bucket that was sealed shut with five holes in the top.
I didn’t say anything before I had started my work. I placed the bucket on the ground and began prying the nails from his plump belly. He screamed, becoming more alert after the first nail was pulled.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME!” He shrieked before I could pull a second nail out.
“My dear,” I began as a grim smile crossed over my face, “I’m torturing you, is that not obvious enough?” he begged and pleaded for me to release him, but the second I touched another nail he shrieked, though no one heard him but me, there wasn’t anyone else around for miles.
I gave up on prying the nails from his skin and grabbed the branch trimmers with my right hand.
“Do you remember me?” I asked not expecting what he would say next.
“Yes” He replied. "I saw it in your eyes, but never did i think i would have ended up like this if i had encountered you once more."
I could not speak. I was in shock due to the fact he remembered me just as well as I remembered him. This did not stop me from continuing what needed to be done.
I took the sheers and expanded the silver end. I placed the cutting end around his chubby right index finger and applied as much force as I possibly could to the back end of the sheers. He let out the largest bellowing scream I have ever heard. His finger hit the ground causing blood to flutter from the amputated end and hit the floor in little bead like droplets. Blood ran down his hand and to his arm, flowing to his elbow eventually hitting the ground, creating a small pond of blood on the wooden floor.
He shrieked.
“Please stop yelling” I assumed he was in a large amount of pain, but nothing like what he had put me through.
He didn’t stop.
“Please,” I swung the gardening tool at his groin. Sure enough he was quiet and red in the face. “stop.”
I proceeded in severing his fingers of one by one. If he decided to let out a yelp or beg for me to stop his genitalia would suffer as much as his hands did. After I clipped his index finger off I was lost. What next? Do I just kill him? I came up with a better solution. I looked at the puddle of blood on the ground and then at the tears on his cheeks.
I severed his bottom lip next.
Another scream. Followed by a moan.
A large flesh colored object hit the floorboards and a fountain of blood came pouring from his face. I picked up the item that had recently fallen on the ground.
“Oh.” I felt like I was going insane. It was… wonderful. “I got your nose.” I demanded he open his mouth and when he refused I took his bottom lip in my hand, which too fell to the floor covered in blood. I looked at my bloody hands and promptly heave his nose into his gaping mouth. I slapped my hand over his mouth.
“Swallow, please.” it was insanity that was taking over my soul. To be honest I loved the feeling of it, more than I loved my family or anything else for that matter.
I moved my hand after he choked on his oversized nose.
“Blleashe’ the man tried to form words with only one lip “jush let meh gho.”
“Could you repeat that?” I snickered. “Or should I take a wild guess at what you’re saying?”
He only struggled to pull the nails from his appendages. There was no answer.
“Christ, don’t act so helpless.” I put down the branch trimmers and selected the bucket as his punishment for acting so damn powerless. “Okay. I’ll relive you from you pain. You’re starting to bore me. There are five rats inside this bucket.” I took off the lid and showed him the beautiful creatures, eyes red and mouths foaming. “If there is and obstacle in their path they are sure to eat there way through it. So that means one of three things will happen to you. Either you get lucky and bleed to death, or the rats eat their way through the bucket and you starve to death, or they’ll eat their way through you.
I placed the bucket against his stomach and began to wrap the tape around his skin and the container. I did this at least five; the rats got into a wild frenzy, clawing at the bucket and his oversized belly.
He hung there, not saying a word, just hanging from the chains with nails in his fat and flesh.
“Good bye” I said as I looked him up and down one last time before leaving. “I hope you think you got what you deserved.”
His body was found three months later.
The killer was never found.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The article Your Guide to the Year in Science has many section, one of witch is on environment. IN this article we learn of a foundation that was started in 2010 devoted to marine wild life called the The Census of Marine Life. This article also covers topics such as cleaning up the world and e-waste cleanups, aswell as learning about catching solar rays and using them for energy.
The idea of the topic is to get the world thinking green. Everyone has a part to play in cleaning uo the world and every little thing helps.
2010 will get greener according to this article. 18 states have decided to approve e-waste laws and send toxic items back to their manufacturer to dispose of them properly.
The only setback i could find was people's laziness when it comes to being green. Other than that the govermant is doing a fine job of cleaning up the world.
The idea of the topic is to get the world thinking green. Everyone has a part to play in cleaning uo the world and every little thing helps.
2010 will get greener according to this article. 18 states have decided to approve e-waste laws and send toxic items back to their manufacturer to dispose of them properly.
The only setback i could find was people's laziness when it comes to being green. Other than that the govermant is doing a fine job of cleaning up the world.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Project Description:
- Our assignment was to create an item that would benefit a civilization when we sent the object back in time. We were to construct either a water filtration system, a boat, or a trebuchet. We also were to paint a pillar on our civilization's strengths in a certain section and write an essay on our civilizations pillar.
- Drafting and revision wad a big part of the essay writing peocess, however my final peoduct looked more like a first draft.
- I leaned alot about my civilization's art and architecture. I know much mkore about the maoi statues on Easter Island.
- I had many changes turning in work on time and getting the work done before the dead line. I also had group troubles that may have caused a slight road bump.
- I would definantly make sure to turn my work in on time and be more careful about meting deadlines.
- This will increase my grades and allow me to succeed more.
Project Description:
- Our assignment was to create an item that would benefit a civilization when we sent the object back in time. We were to construct either a water filtration system, a boat, or a trebuchet. We also were to paint a pillar on our civilization's strengths in a certain section and write an essay on our civilizations pillar.
- Drafting and revision wad a big part of the essay writing peocess, however my final peoduct looked more like a first draft.
- I leaned alot about my civilization's art and architecture. I know much mkore about the maoi statues on Easter Island.
- I had many changes turning in work on time and getting the work done before the dead line. I also had group troubles that may have caused a slight road bump.
- I would definantly make sure to turn my work in on time and be more careful about meting deadlines.
- This will increase my grades and allow me to succeed more.
Mysics 2010 Goals
I am going to turn my work in on time at get 100% credit. I will do this by going to Office hours and doing my work there.
I will complete challenge assignments to help me maintain my grades. I will ask Mele for other work that can be done for extra credit.
I will talk to Mele if there is a problem turning in my work on time. I will do this by talking to her during office hours.
I will complete challenge assignments to help me maintain my grades. I will ask Mele for other work that can be done for extra credit.
I will talk to Mele if there is a problem turning in my work on time. I will do this by talking to her during office hours.
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