Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The article Your Guide to the Year in Science has many section, one of witch is on environment. IN this article we learn of a foundation that was started in 2010 devoted to marine wild life called the The Census of Marine Life. This article also covers topics such as cleaning up the world and e-waste cleanups, aswell as learning about catching solar rays and using them for energy.

The idea of the topic is to get the world thinking green. Everyone has a part to play in cleaning uo the world and every little thing helps.

2010 will get greener according to this article. 18 states have decided to approve e-waste laws and send toxic items back to their manufacturer to dispose of them properly.

The only setback i could find was people's laziness when it comes to being green. Other than that the govermant is doing a fine job of cleaning up the world.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Project Description:

- Our assignment was to create an item that would benefit a civilization when we sent the object back in time. We were to construct either a water filtration system, a boat, or a trebuchet. We also were to paint a pillar on our civilization's strengths in a certain section and write an essay on our civilizations pillar.


- Drafting and revision wad a big part of the essay writing peocess, however my final peoduct looked more like a first draft.


- I leaned alot about my civilization's art and architecture. I know much mkore about the maoi statues on Easter Island.

- I had many changes turning in work on time and getting the work done before the dead line. I also had group troubles that may have caused a slight road bump.

- I would definantly make sure to turn my work in on time and be more careful about meting deadlines.

- This will increase my grades and allow me to succeed more.


Mysics 2010 Goals

I am going to turn my work in on time at get 100% credit. I will do this by going to Office hours and doing my work there.

I will complete challenge assignments to help me maintain my grades. I will ask Mele for other work that can be done for extra credit.

I will talk to Mele if there is a problem turning in my work on time. I will do this by talking to her during office hours.